To the Hutch-Tech (Buffalo,NY) Class of 1979
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
Technical Fowl
2005-06-26 14:01:34 UTC
Just a reminder that today June 26, is the 26th Anniversary of our
grauduation frrom Huch-Tech

So, From the Technical Fowl, Happy Anniversary
2005-06-26 16:39:34 UTC
Post by Technical Fowl
Just a reminder that today June 26, is the 26th Anniversary of our
grauduation frrom Huch-Tech
So, From the Technical Fowl, Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary, Techfowls! 26 years is a long time.
2005-06-27 00:57:31 UTC
Post by Technical Fowl
Post by Technical Fowl
Just a reminder that today June 26, is the 26th Anniversary of our
grauduation frrom Huch-Tech
So, From the Technical Fowl, Happy Anniversary
Happy anniversary, Techfowls! 26 years is a long time.
I just went to my 25th from Canisius. It's the first time I saw
the "astroturf" (or whatever it's called) field in the back. When
we went there it was a dirt field with just enough rocks to
make getting tackled really painful.

Then in Spring '80, a few friends and I cut school to go to
UB Springfest. Got really drunk and left a bag of weed in
a friends car that was found by his older (much larger and
much more reactionary) brother who threatened to throttle
me with my bong.

Then to make matters worse, we each got 24 hours of
JUG (Judgement Under God) and were sentenced to rake
that goddamn field so they could plant grass.

