high quality computer parts
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
Steve Stone
2003-10-11 19:33:27 UTC
Looks close to matching average prices around me, but then you have to add
shipping and tax. No drop dead gotta have it now bargains.
Remove "zz" from e-mail address to direct reply. <<
My friend started a website, www.xcsystems.com.
They sell computers and computer parts. I personally think their prices
are pretty good,
please take a look and give opinions so I can let my friend know what
changes to make,
thanks for all your help ahead of time.
Phreddy Phlintstone
2003-10-12 22:14:21 UTC
On Sat, 11 Oct 2003 19:33:27 GMT, "Steve Stone"
Post by Steve Stone
Looks close to matching average prices around me, but then you have to add
shipping and tax. No drop dead gotta have it now bargains.
Very incomplete selection, and higher than normal prices. I do most of
my online parts shopping at www.newegg.com or www.zipzoomfly.com
(formerly googlegear.com). Both of those retailers offer free 2nd day
air on many products. Their customer satisfaction ratings are very
high on many Windows mailing lists and newsgroups.

"If it ain't broke, don't lend it."

Red Green
