(demasiado antiguo para responder)
Thomas W.P. Slatin
2004-05-02 21:20:21 UTC
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.



Thomas :)
2004-05-02 22:49:53 UTC
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.
Thomas :)
lol, hey thomas, i saw this last week on the channel three news from
vermont. i'm right across the lake.
Trudi Marrapodi
2004-05-03 00:55:09 UTC
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.
Thomas :)
I'm at home right now and can't investigate these sites because my home
computer is very old and tends to freeze up at the sight of a Web site
lately, but I will try to look at them elsewhere.

Are these roundabouts going to be traffic calmers, or traffic
tension-builders like the Johnson City traffic circle near Binghamton?
(which, BTW, is finally going the way of all flesh, as a 201 flyover is
being built and the circle itself is being replaced by the "traffic
calmer" variety of circle).

"Boy, there sure is a lot of tension around here tonight. It's like a Joan Crawford movie."
2004-05-03 02:17:49 UTC
Post by Trudi Marrapodi
I'm at home right now and can't investigate these sites because my home
computer is very old and tends to freeze up at the sight of a Web site
lately, but I will try to look at them elsewhere.
Are these roundabouts going to be traffic calmers, or traffic
tension-builders like the Johnson City traffic circle near Binghamton?
(which, BTW, is finally going the way of all flesh, as a 201 flyover is
being built and the circle itself is being replaced by the "traffic
calmer" variety of circle).
Hey, Trudi Trudi!

2004-05-03 21:47:42 UTC
Post by Trudi Marrapodi
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.
Thomas :)
I'm at home right now and can't investigate these sites because my home
computer is very old and tends to freeze up at the sight of a Web site
lately, but I will try to look at them elsewhere.
Are these roundabouts going to be traffic calmers, or traffic
tension-builders like the Johnson City traffic circle near Binghamton?
(which, BTW, is finally going the way of all flesh, as a 201 flyover is
being built and the circle itself is being replaced by the "traffic
calmer" variety of circle).
"Boy, there sure is a lot of tension around here tonight. It's like a Joan Crawford movie."
I'm Tense now!!!!!
2004-05-04 04:35:55 UTC
Post by Trudi Marrapodi
Post by Trudi Marrapodi
"Boy, there sure is a lot of tension around here tonight. It's like a
Post by Trudi Marrapodi
Crawford movie."
I'm Tense now!!!!!
I'm past!
Robert Gautier
2004-05-03 04:37:00 UTC
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.
Thomas :)
Roundabouts are probably the easiest solution to major traffic jams.
2004-05-03 10:27:15 UTC
Post by Robert Gautier
Roundabouts are probably the easiest solution to major traffic jams.
a tyrannosaurus rex with a bad attitude might work better.
Trudi Marrapodi
2004-05-03 10:59:49 UTC
Post by Robert Gautier
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.
Thomas :)
Roundabouts are probably the easiest solution to major traffic jams.
Not when people don't know how to drive them, as is often the case in
Johnson City. Not when some people could avoid them altogether by simply
being allowed to connect to the highway they want to connect to.

"Boy, there sure is a lot of tension around here tonight. It's like a Joan Crawford movie."
2004-05-03 21:49:16 UTC
Post by Robert Gautier
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.
Thomas :)
Roundabouts are probably the easiest solution to major traffic jams.
Oh no!!! Removing the Trafic is the easiest solution!
Madness is:
Trying to do something the same way
Over and over again,
And expecting differnt results!
2004-05-04 02:31:05 UTC
Post by Robert Gautier
Roundabouts are probably the easiest solution to major traffic jams.
I grew up in Massachusetts where they were called "rotaries". Absolute
traffic nightmares in high traffic areas! Over time, the Massachusetts DOT
stopped building them and even removed some.

I'm surprised that NY is now going that route. I guess it's cheaper than
traffic lights...but much more dangerous.
Thomas W.P. Slatin
2004-05-04 03:37:43 UTC
One would think that in a 4-way intersection, that 4 stop signs might solve
the problem just fine, and save lots of space in the process.

Thomas :)
Post by Bill
I grew up in Massachusetts where they were called "rotaries". Absolute
traffic nightmares in high traffic areas! Over time, the Massachusetts DOT
stopped building them and even removed some.
I'm surprised that NY is now going that route. I guess it's cheaper than
traffic lights...but much more dangerous.
2004-05-04 16:36:52 UTC
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
One would think that in a 4-way intersection, that 4 stop signs might solve
the problem just fine, and save lots of space in the process.
Thomas :)
I'm not fond of 4-way stop signs. They are all over the place where I
live. People tend to stare at each other confused about who should go
first, then they both go at the same time. They are also bad in
pedestrian areas as people tend not to look for people in crosswalks.
2004-05-04 17:10:05 UTC
Post by Bill
I'm not fond of 4-way stop signs. They are all over the place where I
live. People tend to stare at each other confused about who should go
first, then they both go at the same time. They are also bad in
pedestrian areas as people tend not to look for people in crosswalks.
Whomever stops first, goes first. If you both (or all) stop at the same
time, the person on the right has the right of way. Eye contact is critical.

In New Orleans this is a non issue. People know what to do at a 4 way. You
can always tell if they're a tourist when there's congestion or fender
benders at signed intersections.

2004-05-04 21:08:39 UTC
Post by Yatgirl
Post by Bill
I'm not fond of 4-way stop signs. They are all over the place where I
live. People tend to stare at each other confused about who should go
first, then they both go at the same time. They are also bad in
pedestrian areas as people tend not to look for people in crosswalks.
Whomever stops first, goes first. If you both (or all) stop at the same
time, the person on the right has the right of way. Eye contact is critical.
In New Orleans this is a non issue. People know what to do at a 4 way. You
can always tell if they're a tourist when there's congestion or fender
benders at signed intersections.
Yes, I know the rules. The problem is that most people don't. What
annoys me most is people who have the right of way and refuse to use
it. That is as dangerous as those who go out of turn.
2004-05-06 01:25:47 UTC
Post by Bill
Post by Yatgirl
Whomever stops first, goes first. If you both (or all) stop at the same
time, the person on the right has the right of way. Eye contact is critical.
Yes, I know the rules. The problem is that most people don't.
I think you'd be suprised at the number of people who don't know their right
from their left. Or the ones that claim to forget it once they get in a car.
I've heard just about every story.
Post by Bill
What annoys me most is people who have the right of way and refuse to use
it. That is as dangerous as those who go out of turn.
Just don't let someone chump you into a wreck like that. They wave you
on...then BLAM!

Telling the officer working the wreck that you followed the other drivers
instructions to go, then they hit you will only make the officer respond
with, "Do you always do what other drivers tell you?"

The problem where I now live (just north of NO over the lake) is these
country people signaling for other cars. It's very confusing for everyone
and very unnecessary. They all swear it's in the state rule book, too. It

Trudi Marrapodi
2004-05-05 10:39:37 UTC
Post by Bill
Post by Robert Gautier
Roundabouts are probably the easiest solution to major traffic jams.
I grew up in Massachusetts where they were called "rotaries". Absolute
traffic nightmares in high traffic areas! Over time, the Massachusetts DOT
stopped building them and even removed some.
I'm surprised that NY is now going that route. I guess it's cheaper than
traffic lights...but much more dangerous.
Well, some of NY is...as I said, they're finally getting rid of the one in
Johnson City, which is infamous. People do NOT know how to drive it, some
of them after years of doing so. It's like a revolving door...too many
people just don't get when they're supposed to step out and how!

"Boy, there sure is a lot of tension around here tonight. It's like a Joan Crawford movie."
Dave Hitt
2004-05-04 15:34:29 UTC
Post by Robert Gautier
Post by Thomas W.P. Slatin
Check out what my city is doing to their streets! They're making
roundabouts. I think the idea is cool, though 99.9% of people in the area
are against it.
Thomas :)
Roundabouts are probably the easiest solution to major traffic jams.
And they provide lots of juicy accidents for litigation and padding
the pockets of bottom feeders.

If I were a lawyer (i would need an ethics-endctomy) I'd set up one of
my offices as close as possible to one of these, and have a camera on
it full time.

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